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BB 2: Hey Kids, We Have a Stowaway on Board

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Guess what? I’ve stowed away on a sailboat!!! I’m on s/v (that means sailing vessel) Elizabeth M. Who knows where we are going. I hope it will be fun. This boat sure moves around a lot.

Luckily, I found this little corner of the shelf. I’m wedged in tight!

There’s lots to do onboard. There are all kinds of ropes going everywhere and you have to coil them up carefully, so they don’t get in the way.

I like making these fancy circles with the ends of the rope that ties us to the dock.

Sometimes there are repairs to make, like the sewing job that Nanny had to do. I try to help.

Grampy is always checking the engine and lots of other stuff too. He takes care of it all.

After the work is done, we get to relax. My favorite spot is this bean bag chair – its just right for me.

And there are some kids’ games on the tablet too. 😊

Sometimes we can go ashore. One day, I met this weird looking creature.

What do you think it is?

Another day, a little bird landed on the boat. Can you see him in this picture?

Grampy thought he might sit on his finger. He didn’t though – after he rested a while, he flew off.

Near Halifax we passed these two ladies.

Can you see the dog? – he has his own life jacket!

We finally made it to the dock in Halifax. Lots of people came by. I think Halifax is a good port city to visit.

(BTW Don’t look at my tail in this picture. Nanny says I must be going to molt soon. That means I’ll get a new shell. It will look just like this shell, but roomier.)

That’s all for now – hope you have a great day. And next time, I will show you some of the cool boats we have seen. Smile!

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