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  • alancgrant

M 4: Growing Old in Old Saybrook

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

The weather the past several days has been absolutely terrible. We are in Old Saybrook, Connecticut in a Port of Rufuge, which is a pretty protected anchorage. We have been getting consistent 20 - 25 knot winds out of the north here and a reported 30 - 35 knots out in the Sound, since Sunday. In addition to the wind, the temperatures are in the single digits, so it is cold!

We are stuck here at least until tomorrow, and possibly Thursday, altho there could be worse places to be. Old Saybrook is a nice little town with excellent services within walking distance.

Neighboring Boats on Moorings

We have gotten off the boat everyday, but even getting ashore is a challenge. The North Cove Yacht Club is also closed through the week so we no longer have access to the washrooms and the clubhouse to get warm or to enjoy a few minutes of sitting on a level. However, the Club was kind enough to give us a key to the shower, which is in a shed beside the Clubhouse. We also have access to water if we can ever get the boat to the service dock to fill our tanks.

We have been trying to keep ourselves busy. I made Newfoundland molasses raison bread yesterday and Judy has been knitting. We have gotten to know the downtown area very well and even found a spot that sells US$5 wine which isn't that bad!

We've been following several other Canadian boats on AIS, and like us, none of them have been able to move since the weekend. Most of the boats we are following are behind us and unfortunately, a couple are in really exposed anchorages, so I am not sure how the conditions are for them. Last night, I was messaging a boat from Arichat that's ahead of us and we both agreed that it is time to start getting south.

The full cockpit enclosure and furnace have been very useful these past few days and our headphones and streaming services are keeping us sane.

We will be providing a more detailed Crew Log for our time in Old Saybrook. Until then, we are doing OK, but are REALLY looking forward to better fall weather in the days ahead!

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