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BB 4: Betty Blue Gets Her Game On

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Hi! It’s me – Betty. I’m still here on the sailboat and we are still sailing away from winter. I hope. It’s supposed to be warmer where we are going, but so far, it’s been pretty chilly. Sometimes I stay cozy by hiding out in Nanny’s backpack (she calls it a knap sack. Hahahaha!)

We do go to beaches sometimes when it is warm. When we were on Cuttyhunk Island (funny name!) Nanny found a cool crab. I got to meet him and he was bigger than me! It was just a shell though, so I wasn’t scared. Nanny says it is a horseshoe crab and they have been around since before dinosaurs! It does look like a horse’s foot.

Sometimes I like to go to other places too. We haven’t seen many playgrounds, but we did find a cool restaurant with all kinds of games on their patio. Nanny and I had fun checking them out one morning.

PictureI think Lane would be better at this game than me, my claws keep slipping

Have you ever seen a ScoreFour this big?
Turns out I’m not too good at foos ball – but Nanny is REALLY bad at it, so it worked out fine!

Then we went into a little jungle dome. How about this guy? I’m glad he was sleepy, not hungry.

The tiger had a friend – a boa constrictor! Turns out he was friendly too.

My favorites were the monkeys. They are pretty agile – just like Kennedy and Sloan on the monkey bars!

This guy taught me some new moves.

When it was time to go back to the boat, I wanted to walk on this railing. Jacob is good at balancing on walls, but Nanny said it was too far down if I wiped out, so I let her carry me.

The next place we went I saw a big orange thing on the dock. Nanny and I went to check it out.

PHave you ever seen Nanny drive the dinghy? LOOK OUT! 😊

This is what we found on the dock. The Chesapeake City serpent!

He gave me a ride!

When we got back to the boat I tried to draw a picture of the serpent but it didn’t come out too good. I think I need more colourful markers – right, Greta?

Anyway, we sure are having fun out here. Hope all you guys are having fun too!

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