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BB 7: Betty the Blue Lobster Goes Home

Hi kids!

Remember me? Betty.

I’ve been hanging around in Barrachois, taking it very easy. (Another way to say lazy… 😊) I thought I would tell you about our trip home. It has some exciting bits.

For one thing, the crew of Elizabeth M went to New York City. It is a HUGE city with about 8 million people. It looks like most of them were in Times Square when this picture was taken.

They have a cool library in New York city. It is very fancy inside with everything made of beautiful marble.

They even have two marble lions guarding it. Their names are Patience and Fortitude. I hope they have nicknames – like Pat and Fort.

Inside they had a display of really old books. These are the stuffies that belonged to the author of Winnie the Pooh. Can you tell which one is Eeyore?

Getting around in the big city can be exciting. Nanny and Grampy went on an underground train called the subway. You go down some stairs to get into it and then can when you get where you are going, you pop back up to the street. Its like being a mole!

The buildings are crazy tall in New York city. Grampy is standing on the 92nd floor in this picture.

When we weren’t visiting New York city, we stayed on Statton Island nearby. There was a family of swans that lived there. They were fun to feed.

Sometimes Nanny likes to shop for weird things – one day she brought this fish home. I think she figured I needed a friend.

From there, we went to a nice harbour called York River. They had a paved path all along the shore. Would have been fun to ride a bike on it – as long as you didn’t take a wrong turn.

Nanny and Grampy saw these leaves when they were walking on that path. I don’t know, but I think the maple leaves got them thinking about Canada, because the next morning – we were headed back to Nova Scotia. It was a looooooong sail. Two whole days and two nights. We couldn’t even see the land.

When we finally got to Nova Scotia, there were all kinds of problems. A big forest fire was close to the harbour we were headed for, so we had to go further. In the middle of the night – wham! We hit a lobster pot buoy. The rope got tangled in the propeller, so we had to call for help.

Luckily, the Coast Guard guys heard us on the radio, and came out to tow Elizabeth M into a fishing harbour. This is the boat they used.

The harbour had mostly lobster fishing boats. Can you find Elizabeth M in this picture? She looks pretty small compared to their big lobster boats.

I got to meet one of the locals. I don’t think we are related.

After a few days, we were off to Halifax. It was great to get back to a place that we knew well.

While we were there, we had some family visitors. That was fun too, as they were very good to us. Nanny and Grampy even got to eat some of those yummy lobsters!

We also got a present of a new dinghy – one that is just the right size for me!

I just needed to find a spot to try it out.

Turns out it is not a very speedy raceboat…

The rest of the trip around Nova Scotia was pretty easy compared to the trip to get here. Finally, we made it home to Barrachois! Nanny and Grampy seemed pretty happy to be there.

Ten whole months on a sailboat. It was an adventure. Wonder where we will go next. Bye for now!

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